Research shows that 30 years ago, you had about 17 minutes to escape a house fire. Today, you have only 3 or 4 minutes. TODAY Show national investigative correspondent Jeff Rossen conducts a dramatic demonstration that shows why, and how you should prepare. continue reading →
National Family Fire Drill Day is October 1st
October 1st is National Fire Drill Day. Please take some time to prepare and review a fire escape plan, then practice it on October 1st. continue reading →
Know When to Go!
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that approximately 80 percent of all fire deaths in the United States and Canada occur in the home. Roughly 11 people per day, die in home fires in the U.S. and Canada. Many lives can be saved if people react immediately when a fire alarm sounds. Once a fire starts, there’s no time to develop a plan. The NFPA urges everyone to “Know When to Go.”
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How Safe is Your Home?
Each year, over 4,000 Americans perish and more than 20,000 others suffer serious injuries because of residential fires.
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